Product Clothes, Household Items, Utensils, MORE :)
Believe in us.
Our Online College Marketplace is going to bring some exciting offers to your college life to make it more memorable and exciting.
With the help of our platform you can rent out some basic necessities.
Inagurating the self delivery and return system for first time ever.
4 Places Nit Jalandhar,Lpu,Gndu,IIT Bombay
Are you a college student? We at CP assist students in connecting with each other by selling their notes, courses, and college essentials such as drafters or even helping them rent out their stuff to generate revenue.
Lets know more about Collegeporium
No matter how digital the world becomes but studying from ebooks have always been difficult. Physical books have always been a reliable source of knowledge so to encourage the practice, students can offer to sell their old book in cheap rates through us.
Student Entrepreneurs @ CP
We at cp care for students and help them to earn by selling their notes, courses or just guide them at our platform.